A Tall Order

At what point does something get out of hand? Something too big to contain, or simply become too much work for one person? Should I consult Malcolm Gladwell to inquire where the "tipping point" may be? Because I think whatever "it" is, "it" has tipped.

You're right to think that this is going to be the journey of a lifetime; that visiting beautiful areas is just what the doctor ordered and that speaking with people who really care about our environment is going to be a moving experience.  Right-O! But as soon as I decided the route was to enlighten and highlight, it became a mission.

This isn't recreation, it's passion. And it seems my passions end up being more work than a passion should be, which is cool because I believe in the projects I invest in. I believe our urban dwellers suffer from a lack of nature, hence Adventures Accessed. I also believe our public lands, wildlife and stewards don't get credit, love, recognition, resources and "thank you's"., hence the Wilderness and Friendship Tour. 

So here's the deal. A little ventilation, if you will. I feel like this has become a full-time job. Planning destinations and destinations within those destinations and finding the folks to chat with and convincing them this project is worth their time is a mountain of work. I used mountain on purpose. Ah, can't leave out curating the content to actually get people activated, motivated, encouraged and inspired to just get out there and use just a slice of our 640 million acres of public lands. 

Once that's done (ha) do you think we'll be finished? No, this isn't a one and done; we are not two ships passing in the night. Every year. All the nature. All the lovers of nature and all the to be lovers of nature, and those who love the lovers too! Perhaps then, we may call it a day.

*sigh* I feel better now, thanks for listening. 
